Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Looking for a little help with your new year Resolutions?

The Children's Miracle Network has come up with a pretty awesome way to help you and kids at the same time.  They call it New Year Of Miracles campaign.

It's easy to get started, just follow there steps:

  1. Make a resolution. Want to lose some weight? Learn a new language? Do a marathon? Pick a goal and lets go!

     3. Ask your family and friends to support you by making a donation. Tweet the hashtag, post to facebook, you could even send out some postcards....remember those? 

    4.Set goals to achieve your resolutions and hold yourself accountable.   It's a whole lot easier to meet little goals on the way then go straight for the Big One. Plus you get that awesome feeling of accomplishment when you hit each one. 

My resolution this year is to keep up with this blog and not just post on it once a year. I want to keep giving you information to help save kids. ExtraLife and the Children's Miracle Network is extremely important to me and I want to make sure that each year we keep making it better.